...Why does the British press seem to get so excited about being able to broadcast endless stories of how it won't get any better any time soon, how unemployment will top 3 million by the end of the year, how Gordon Brown should resign blah blah blah?
As I said, I am not saying that this global financial mess isn't happening. The banking industry has got us into a right pickle, and this isn't going to be easy to get out if, but I really don't see how it helps anyone by constantly seeing and hearing news readers, who quite frankly seem to thrive on delivering this news, always underlining the bad news. I do think as Brits we have a natural tendency to look on the "glass half-empty" side of things generally, so this incessant ticker-tape of bad news helps no one. No one. As a nation, and as individuals, we need to be informed, but please, reader, take it all with a pinch of salt - figures can be interpreted in different ways - political parties will use stats to their own ends. As a world, we will get through this - personally, I think eventually, we will come through and there will be positive results that we will see - improvements in the banking industry, people thinking before they borrow against their homes for the latest Mercedes, communities looking out for each other, food being eaten instead of wasted, real improvements in recycling and the impact that will have on the environment. It will be painful to get there, but this will end. But what helps no one is looking back, lamenting about what has happened - it's done, it's happening - stop repeating it.
Rant over.